No time spent with your family is ever wasted.-- Don Donahoo

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hot Tub

Our new apartment complex has a HOT TUB!! It is so relaxing to go and sit in at the end of the day. But I think the one who enjoys it the most is Lucy! She thinks she can swim and is so not afraid of the water. we stand her on the edge and she will jump right in! (we catch her, of course!) It is a fun thing to do together as a family!!


  1. Oh fun! We are going to have to come sometime! :)

  2. Oh my gosh! I am SOO jealous! I'm so glad that Lucy isn't afraid of the water, how fun! It sounds like you guys are having a great time in Seattle! I wish we could come visit you! I miss you!

  3. Ummm, this is Stacy. Can you tell Shelly to email me? I worked with her at Melaleuca! We started the same day, went through training together and were on the same team when she and Jerod got married! I would love to keep in contact with her.
    Oh, by the way, I am so jealous of your birthday dinner. That looks like so much FUN!


"No time spent with your family is ever wasted."
Don Donahoo