No time spent with your family is ever wasted.-- Don Donahoo

Friday, November 20, 2009

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree....

Well, I had a little time on my hands this week, and after talking to my mom-who already had her tree up a week ago- I put up the Christmas tree and decorations! It was a lot easier that I thought it was going to be, what the Lucy and the Dog! But They helped a lot, and we got it all done in one afternoon! Ben was sure surprised when he came home from work! Now we can enjoy the Festivities much longer!
Our Christmas tree. I had to put it up so it wouldn't get chewed or ripped down!

Cute earmuffs... getting ready for the snow!

I just added the picture of Lucy and Charlie for fun!!


  1. I LOVE that charlie is in the bath with her!

  2. Good idea to put the tree up! Smart!
    Lucy is so adorably cute! I can't believe that she is one- wow!


"No time spent with your family is ever wasted."
Don Donahoo